Sunday, January 01, 2023

Let's start a new page

 As the calendar turns over to a new year it's easy to look back as a writer and say you didn't do enough. Don't get bogged down in the past. Look forward to the New Year. Let's start a new page! 

 Today's writing prompt - Start a new page

Today's PYM prompt is going to take a new direction. I want you to sit down and write out a list of what you want to accomplish as a writer this year. Do you want to finish that book you've been working out for a few years? Write it down. Want to get published? What will it take. The key is to write goals that are measurable and that you have control over. Wanting to get published is more a wish. You don't have control over whether your writing is accepted and published, but you do have control over whether you are submitting for publication. So your goal should be more along the lines of "submit something once a month for publication."


For your first draft write it all down. Everything on your mind. Then go back and look at what is attainable. What you want to accomplish most. Writing a book takes time and promoting a book takes time. If you're working full time it can be difficult to find the time to do any more than that. So set your priorities. The thing(s) you want to finish this year are your "A" goals. Mark things you'd really like to do but probably don't have time for as "B" goals. Mark the rest as "C" goals and eliminate them from this year's goals. Now you know what you really want to accomplish this year.

Take those "A" goals and write down what it will take to accomplish those goals. These will become your monthly goals for the year. Such goals may be things like setting aside writing time each day. Maybe even specify how much time you plan to set aside. Or things like researching writing markets for story ideas to target specific markets for publication.

Start this year with new hope. Make a plan. Give yourself something to aim at to reach your writing dreams.

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