Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday Morning Muse: Recycling writing

 "Good morning and happy Monday! 🌟 

Monday Morning Muse

As we step into the new week, may your day be filled with inspiration and creativity. Remember, every challenge is a chance to grow and every moment is an opportunity to shine. Let the possibilities of this week unfold like a fresh canvas, and may you find joy in every little discovery along the way. Here’s to a Monday that sets the tone for a fantastic week ahead!

Today's Pumping Your Muse Writing Prompt

Recycling writing 

For today's creative challenge, dig out one of your unfinished fiction projects and take a look at it. If it's an older piece, and you've written for years, it can be an eye-opener to see how much you've grown as a writer. And you may also see the merit in your original idea. The question is, why is it unfinished. Did you get stuck? Lose interest? Did it grow cumbersome and too complicated?

Refresh your memory and re-immerse yourself in the story. 

  • If the story starts to wander or lose focus stop reading. That's your starting point. 
  • If you couldn't figure out how to end it. When you reach that point in your reading. Stop. That is your starting point.
  • If you recognize it is too cumbersome stop when you recognize it. That is your starting point. 

Based on your starting point write a short story related to your narrative, but write it from a secondary character's POV in the first person. Let them talk. If you're lucky, they'll tell you something you didn't know, and it might just be what you need to finish the story.






Sunday, June 16, 2024

Lost Baseball Writing Prompt

On my morning walk, I spotted a baseball sitting precariously in the brush over drainage water from a culvert that ran beneath the street. I wondered who owned the ball and how it got there. I walked by in the afternoon and it was still there. Would it be retrieved by the owner or found by another child. All kinds of possible storylines ran through my mind and I wondered if the story of the 1993 Sandlot film came about with such a simple find.

I decided to take a picture and make this a writer's prompt for all of you. If you'd like, take a look at the picture at let your imagination take on the journey of discovery of the story within. If you need a little prompting, here is today's writing prompt.

Baseball writing prompt

Today's writing prompt

Write a story about a weathered baseball wedged in the thin branches overhanging over water. The ball, seemingly abandoned and forgotten, becomes a symbol of hope and connection for two children from different backgrounds who stumble upon it. As they collaborate to retrieve the ball, they embark on a journey that transcends their differences, teaching them about teamwork, empathy, and the unexpected bonds that form in unlikely places.

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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Timekeeper's Enigma writing prompt

Time travel fiction is a rich genre filled with various elements that captivate readers and viewers alike. Here are some key elements commonly found in time travel fiction.


Timekeeper artifact

Time Machine/Device: The means by which characters travel through time is often central to the story. This could be a physical machine like H.G. Wells' iconic Time Machine, a device created by advanced technology, or even a mystical artifact.

Temporal Paradoxes: Time travel often introduces paradoxes, such as the grandfather paradox (where one's actions in the past could alter their own future existence) or the bootstrap paradox (where an object or information is brought from the future into the past, creating a loop with no discernible origin).

Altering History: Characters may grapple with the consequences of changing historical events. This can lead to moral dilemmas and ethical questions about the nature of free will and the responsibility of time travelers.

Alternate Timelines/Realities: Time travel can create branching timelines or alternate realities, where different outcomes result from altered events in the past. Exploring these alternate worlds can add depth to the narrative and offer insights into characters' choices.

Butterfly Effect

Butterfly Effect: Small changes in the past can have significant ripple effects on the future, known as the butterfly effect. This concept is often explored in time travel fiction, highlighting the interconnectedness of events and the unpredictability of causality.


Fixed Points in Time: Some stories feature fixed points in time that cannot be altered without dire consequences. Characters may struggle to navigate these fixed points while attempting to achieve their goals.


Time Loops: Characters may find themselves trapped in repeating cycles of time, reliving the same events over and over again. Breaking free from these loops often requires a deeper understanding of their circumstances and personal growth.



Multiverse Theory: Time travel fiction sometimes incorporates the idea of parallel universes or multiverses, where every possible outcome exists simultaneously. Traveling between these parallel worlds can open up new narrative possibilities and philosophical explorations.


Temporal Guardians/Authorities: In some stories, there are organizations or individuals tasked with regulating time travel and preventing its misuse. These temporal guardians may act as mentors, guides, or adversaries to the main characters.


Personal Consequences: Time travel can take a toll on the mental and emotional well-being of characters, as they grapple with the weight of their experiences and the knowledge of what could have been. Themes of loss, regret, and redemption often play a significant role in these stories.

By weaving together these elements, time travel fiction offers a captivating exploration of human nature, destiny, and the nature of time itself.

Backstory for Timekeeper's Enigma  

In the quiet town of Everbrook, nestled between ancient forests and rolling hills, time had always been a reliable companion. That is until the day it disappeared.

It started subtly, with clocks ticking slightly faster or slower than usual. Residents shrugged it off, blaming it on old mechanisms or changing weather patterns. But soon, watches stopped altogether, and digital displays froze mid-second. Panic spread like wildfire through the town as people realized they were trapped in a timeless limbo.

The town's only hope lay in the enigmatic figure known as the Timekeeper, rumored to be an ageless guardian with the ability to control time itself. Whispers of their existence had always circulated in Everbrook, but few had ever seen them.

As the town plunged into chaos, a young journalist named Eliza vowed to uncover the truth behind the Timekeeper's legend. Armed with her notepad and determination, she delved into Everbrook's history, uncovering forgotten tales of time manipulation and ancient prophecies.

Her investigation led her deep into the heart of the forest, where whispers spoke of a hidden grove guarded by time's magic. There, amidst the gnarled trees and shimmering light, she encountered the Timekeeper.

Travel through time

 Today's Writing prompt: The Timekeeper's Enigma 

1. Choose the time travel element you want to base your story on

2. Write a scene based on the above prompt and incorporating the element of your choice. 

3. The goal of this prompt: Reveal the truth about the Timekeeper. 

Additional prods for poking your muse if you are stuck: 

Time is not a force to be controlled but a balance to be maintained and something has disturbed the balance. If the balance is not restored, what happens to Everbrook?

  • Does Eliza join forces with the Timekeeper or does she have to work solo?
  • Provide at least two clues to unravel
  • Ability to travel through frozen moments in time
  • Battle against unseen/visible forces 
  • Discovery of a hidden ritual in the past to restore time's flow 


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Occupied Memories

Writing historical fiction is an educational and challenging endeavor, but one that is sure to spark creativity. Even if you aren’t specifically writing historical fiction, what you can learn from history can be carried into other genres, embellished, and create a whole new story inspired by true events. For today’s writing prompt, we’ll visit the Civil War era. While it takes place during wartime it’s not a military battle scene. The twist for this prompt is that it steps away from the battleground where the soldiers are maimed and killed and challenges you to write from the POV (Point of View) of a civilian. You can choose the person who wrote the letter or someone else in her circle of influence.

Mary Custis Lee in Old Age. Wearing a night cap and shawl, Mary Anna Randolph Custis Lee, the wife of Robert E. Lee, sits in a wheelchair in Lexington, Virginia, around 1868. This glass-plate image was made by local photographer Michael Miley.
Mary Custis Lee in Old Age. Wearing a night cap and shawl, Mary Anna Randolph Custis Lee, the wife of Robert E. Lee, sits in a wheelchair in Lexington, Virginia, around 1868. This glass-plate image was made by local photographer Michael Miley.

Who What, When, Where, and Why: Civil War Occupation Prompt

  • Who is writing the letter? Mary Custis Lee, wife of Robert E. Lee, was born in 1806, and died in 1873.
  • Who is the letter written to? Union General Sanford
  • When was it written? May 30, 1861
  • Why was it written? It describes her distress at the occupation of her home, Arlington House, by Northern troops.
  • Where does the story take place? Arlington House (home to the Lees) in Virginia

Arlington House

Incomplete Transcript of the letter

30th May 1861

It never occurred to me Gen'l Sanford that I could be forced to sue for permission to enter my own house and that such an outrage as its military occupation to the exclusion of me and my children could ever have been perpetrated by anyone in the whole extent of this country. I had been warned by an anxious friend that such a design was in contemplation nearly a month ago & advised to remove to a place of safety all my property that was of any value. Still incredulous I complied with his earnest entreaties in regard to the Mt. Vernon relics, plate, & pictures that we could never replace and after a visit of about 10 days to a friend in Fairfax was preparing

Include three types of conflict

Conflict in a War story is conveyed on three levels:

  1. External Conflict: Soldiers, environmental pressures
  2. Interpersonal Conflict: Between your antagonist and protagonist.
  3. Internal Conflict: This is the struggle within your protagonist.

War stories ascend from the protagonist’s physiological AND emotional needs for safety.


Resources where you can garner information for setting, clothing, etc.

Arlington House


The US Constitution, Third Amendment: “No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.”.

Sources: (Mary Custis Lee papers. Accession No. 0080-001)


Thursday, August 31, 2023

Good Intentions with Dystopian Consequences

A good intention is an idea or plan of something you are going to do for the good of someone or something. For today’s writing prompt we will create a dystopian backdrop with a plan intended to force ideals on others. Consider the old proverb, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions." For this prompt, that’s where the world is headed because of actions of some who think they are doing something to benefit the Earth or mankind.

Orwellian city

It’s easy to find fodder for the imagination in today’s news with talk of WWIII, the use of directed energy weapons, continued experiments with weaponized viruses, mega drought, cloud seeding, reducing the population, and the killing of animals to reduce the carbon footprint. Or how about derailed trains spilling toxins into waterways used to supply drinking water to millions? While it may seem impossible someone would derail trains to poison drinking water, it does make a good premise for a dystopian novel. For ideas, look up conspiracy theories attached to any of these topics and you’ll have a blueprint for your dystopian setting

15 minute city

Today’s Writing Prompt: Orwellian 15 minute city

The 15-minute city is an urban planning concept that promotes sustainable and healthy living. All daily necessities and services can be reached through a 15-minute walk or bike ride from any point in the city. No need for cars. For this writing prompt laws are put into place to outlaw cars within the city. And if a resident travels more than 15 minutes they have social credits deducted. They start to feel like rats in a trap looking for a way of escape. The consequences get tougher for multiple infractions. I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.

Create a character with a reputation. He moves into the city with high expectations, but things change. And remember, one element of writing science fiction is the science needed to make the story work. It may cause the problem or it may be the solution to the problem. In many cases it is both. Either way, it is what makes Sci-fi, "Science" fiction.