Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday Morning Muse: Recycling writing

 "Good morning and happy Monday! 🌟 

Monday Morning Muse

As we step into the new week, may your day be filled with inspiration and creativity. Remember, every challenge is a chance to grow and every moment is an opportunity to shine. Let the possibilities of this week unfold like a fresh canvas, and may you find joy in every little discovery along the way. Here’s to a Monday that sets the tone for a fantastic week ahead!

Today's Pumping Your Muse Writing Prompt

Recycling writing 

For today's creative challenge, dig out one of your unfinished fiction projects and take a look at it. If it's an older piece, and you've written for years, it can be an eye-opener to see how much you've grown as a writer. And you may also see the merit in your original idea. The question is, why is it unfinished. Did you get stuck? Lose interest? Did it grow cumbersome and too complicated?

Refresh your memory and re-immerse yourself in the story. 

  • If the story starts to wander or lose focus stop reading. That's your starting point. 
  • If you couldn't figure out how to end it. When you reach that point in your reading. Stop. That is your starting point.
  • If you recognize it is too cumbersome stop when you recognize it. That is your starting point. 

Based on your starting point write a short story related to your narrative, but write it from a secondary character's POV in the first person. Let them talk. If you're lucky, they'll tell you something you didn't know, and it might just be what you need to finish the story.