Friday, March 13, 2009

Subtle Sounds

Incorporating details that feed the reader's sensory receptors draws them into the story and helps them live within the pages. The trick is to feed the senses in a way that the reader can experience what is happening rather than telling them what is going on. For today's prompt we'll use a subtle sound as a springboard.

Today's Pumping Your Muse Prompt:

Use one of the following sounds to introduce your story:

*Dripping water
*Stomach growling
*A sneeze
*Clearing the throat
*Blood pulsing in the ears

* * *

To support the author of this blog, Donna Sundblad, consider buying her books.

Pumping Your Muse (Creative writing book)
Windwalker (Fantasy) - Check out the latest 5 star review at Amazon
Beyond the Fifth Gate (Fantasy)

1 comment:

Samson Blog said...

Great read thannk you