Thursday, November 30, 2006

Finding Creatvity After NaNo

It's not easy switching gears after working with characters on a long term basis. You get to know them, care for them and they haunt your dreams and waking hours. For today's exercise, write a scene where you say good bye to one of those characters.

Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

NaNo Day 29 - This Is The Day

Today I confirmed my "winning" word count with NaNoWriMo and thus officially have another NaNo Race under my belt. This year, I outlined the end of the story so that when I get back to this project, I'll have direction.

Today's Prompt:

Draw up a brief outline of a story tumbling around your mind. Get it onto paper so you have it handy when you have time to develop it.

Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 50,351

Friday, November 24, 2006

Nano Day 24 - Heading Toward the Climax

As we reach toward the end of the story, it's time to put pieces in place. Build tension and head toward the climax.

Today's Prompt:

Create a scene that builds toward the climax but doesn't quite reach it.

Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 45,070

Thursday, November 23, 2006

NaNo Day 23 - Arrived Back Home

Needless to say, I didn't find access to the internet an easy thing during my travels. But now I'm back home as we enter the home NaNo stretch. I can smell the finish line approach this next week. Hard to believe it's almost been a month. The unforseen purchase of a house has added moving to my month, so I've upped my goals to prepare for days when I may not write.

Today's Prompt:

Move your characters to a new place on the map within your world.

Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 43,081

Monday, November 20, 2006

NaNo Day 19 - On the Road

It's not easy keeping up with a blog while on the road because internet access it not at my fingertips. However, the NaNo words keep marching forward. I had worked ahead to create a buffer in my word count with travel and time with family and friends ahead. Today I only added a few hundred words, but 500 or so words is better than nothing and keeps the characters and plots actively growing in my thoughts.

Today's Prompt:

Consider window characters in your story. (Characters that see into the main characters' lives.) Write a short scene through the eyes of a window character that sheds new light on the storyline.

Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 34,680

Sunday, November 19, 2006

NaNo Day 18 - How Evil is Your Antagonist

This morning I woke, turned on the computer and started to type. I had no idea how long I'd have before my hostess or husband stirred. I had worked ahead so that I have one day's word count in reserve, so even if I wrote half the words I needed, I'd be making progress.

It worked out that I typed in the morning and again at night just before bed. I learned that my antagonist wasn't as evil as I thought. Is that a change of heart I see coming, or is he really regreting his actions?

Today's Prompt:

Write a scene from your antagonist's POV.

Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 34,076

Friday, November 17, 2006

NaNo Day 17 - On the Road

Writing takes time. Sometimes life wants us to use the time other ways. When I started NaNoWriMo this year, I didn't know I'd find a house and be moving--which requires a trip to another state.

I have a plan--that's how I get through NaNo and complete the project. However, a plan can't be rigid. If it was, the unforseen would thwart the plan and leave it in the past as an unaccomplished project.

Today, I still wrote. I used time in the car (no I wasn't driving).

Today's Prompt:

Write. Even if you don't have time.

Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 32,316

Thursday, November 16, 2006

NaNo Day 16 - The Challenge

If you are trying to write a novel in a month following the NaNoWriMo schedule, you are now past the halfway mark. What creative trouble spot do you see? The climax should be coming into view, but what tension needs to build? This is the spot that stops many writers from finishing a novel. Don't let that happen to you. Choose a challenging scene and develop it.

Today's Prompt:

Write an active scene that serves as a stepping stone to the climax of your story. Choose the one you've been putting off. Once it's done, you can always rewrite or revise, it's the actual first draft that is the challenge.

Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 30,501

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

NaNo Day 15 - Dream Weaver

Writing a novel in a month is a dream. Breaking it into pieces and writing a little each day makes it attainable. However, when you've already written 20,000 words and come up with a fantastic idea you wish you'd had earlier--it's time to add the idea and weave threads back into the 20,000 words so the newly formed idea makes sense.

Today's Prompt:

Take and exisiting scene and expand it. Word backwords and weave threads of logic to make the new detail work.

Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 26,890

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

NaNo Day 14 - Building to the Climax

Writing the first draft of a novel in a month is actually a great measuring tool. The first half of the story is down and it's time to build toward the climax. Consider your possibilities. Tomorrow is the mid-point. Where is the story heading and why?

My word count passed the halfway point today, and my story is right at the middle. Using the days of the month is actually a great way to measure where you should be in the storyline.

Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 25,134

Monday, November 13, 2006

NaNo Day 13 - Go For a Walk

Writing for NaNo isn't just a challenge of time, but also of the creative process. Your fingers type until you run out of one or the other. More time is just beyond the horizon...and believe it or not so is creativity.

When you feel you've drained the last idea from your mind, slip outdoors and go for a walk. Even a short walk. Away from phones, computer, chores and lists of things to be done. Walk long enough to let your thoughts wander.

Today's Prompt:

Go for a walk. Walk long enough to let your mind wander away from concerns and responsibilities. Once you get the spark of an idea, turn around and head home. By the time you get there be ready to write it down.

Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 23,204

Sunday, November 12, 2006

NaNo Day 12 Dig a Little Deeper

Today I used an existing scene as a springboard to delve a little deeper into not only the past but how the characters feel about that past, what they learned from it, cherished and even feared.

Today's Prompt:

Choose an existing scene and look back. Use it for one or more of the following:

Develop a new scene that reveals how the characters feel about that past.
Develop a new scene that reveals what the characters cherish about the past.
Develop a new scene that reveals what your characters fear about the past.

Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 21,375

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Nano Day 11 - Learning Your Way Around

My characters have bascially washed up on the shore of a new land. Now they need to learn their way around on foregin soil.

Today's Prompt:
Teach your characters something new. Of course, if you make it relevant to the plot of the story, you'll be able to use the scene later. But either way, when your characters learn--you learn. It may offer you a bit of backstory to help you know your character better.

Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 19,875

NaNo Day 10 - Stepping Over the Threshold

I've had a bit of a bug and although I didn't post here yesterday, I did get my NaNo words written. My characters crossed the threshold and entered the quest phase of the story. Everything is new, a bit uneasy and now I'm ready to learn about where they are...I've chosen Maine--a place I've always wanted to visit. That means I'll have to do a bit of research, even though my fishing village is fictional.

Today's Prompt:
Create a new place for you characters to visit. What sounds do they hear that are familiar. What's noises might stir concern? What time of day do they arrive? Don't tell--show it. What time of year is it? Who do they meet first?

Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 18,096

Thursday, November 09, 2006

NaNo Day 9 - Create a Question

Today's NaNoWriMo scene started out with describing a new area of the world developing within the pages of Firesnake. It carried my protagonist to a rocky cliff and rough seas where she meets with the Threshold Guardian. Big change is on the horizon.

Today's prompt:
Write a scene that leaves questions in the reader's mind? How will the character survive? How will they live day to day with the current set of circumstances? Will they be alone? For how long? Or are they craving quiet personal time? What have they lost? What do they need? Make the reader care--about the character and about what happens next.

Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 16,309

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

NaNo Day 8 - The Tie That Binds

Today I wrote a new scene with a secondary character as the main character. Her interaction with other characters provided elements of back story that tie to the main character. In my case, it's part of what makes the magic in my fantasy world work.

Whether you write fantasy, mystery, historical or a contemporary novel, plot threads have to tie together uniting in a logical way that makes sense to the reader.

Today's Prompt:

Write a scene with a secondary character as the main character. Move them around, have them talk or interact with other characters.

  • What did you learn about your protagonist?
  • What's important to the secondary character and why?
  • What do they experience that ties them to the main character?

  • Donna
    Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

    NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 14,103

    Tuesday, November 07, 2006

    NaNo Day 7 - Another POV

    Today I broke from my protagonist's POV and told another part of the story. What fun to put foundational backstory into place, not as narration but as an active scene.

    Create a new scene written from the POV of a secondary or window character.

    Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

    NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 12,257

    Monday, November 06, 2006

    NaNo Day 6 - Above and Beyond

    As I go to sleep at night, I read a bit about geography or other cultures to feed my thoughts and imagination as I drift off to dream about the land coming into being within my NaNoWriMo project. This morning I awoke, and decided to take my character to a new place. This new location introduced her to a character she knew about, but had never met. Bringing my characer to a new location taught her all kinds of pertinent details. Before I knew it, I'd written over 2,000 words and didn't really want to stop. But, I had to. Can't wait until tomorrow.

    Give yourself a word count goal. Create a new location and place your character there. Is it a secluded place with trees and rolling hills? Perhaps a lake? Or on a waterway with busy docks and rough window characters? Or maybe it's a new home. Wherever you take your character, develop it enough to incorporate smells, sights and sounds.

    Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

    NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 10,335

    Sunday, November 05, 2006

    NaNo Day 5 - Knowledge and Growth

    Today's 1,700 words carried my protagonist a step beyond the threshold. She's growing and doesn't realize it. Why? Because she's gaining new information that will affect who she is and what she must do.

    Today's Prompt:

    Place your character in a scene where they learn new information. Make it something specific and important to the plot thread but present it in a way that the character doesn't realize it. As they ponder what they learn, create growth in your character as you plant the seed of change.

    Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

    NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 8,890

    Saturday, November 04, 2006

    NaNo Day 4 - The Threshold

    NaNoWriMo is quite the challenge. I start out wondering how on earth I'll write 1,700 words and by the time I've finished I love the new information I've learned about my characters. Today, my protagonist stands at the threshold of the real story. She's heard the voice of her guardian. But where is he? I'm not sure. Guess I'll learn more about it in future days.

    Today's prompt:

    Place your character at the threshold of a new world. Now what? As they take a step, what do they see? Is the world friendly? Does it look like earth or is it different? What about smells? Did they expect to arrive here? If not, what happened? What do they have to learn? Have fun. Create a new world.

    I'll be answering some of these questions in tomorrow's 1700 NaNoWriMo words.

    Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

    NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 6,981

    Friday, November 03, 2006

    NaNo Day 3 - Fear

    This morning I ran past my NaNoWriMo writing goal by about 100 words. I don't limit the high end, just have to meet the minimum. Today I placed my character in a situation that frightens her.

    What scares your character and why? Sometimes writing a scene like this not only gives us insight to what makes the character tick, but it also opens up possibilities to write backstory. We fear things for a reason, and so do our characters. In today's scene answer these questions.

  • What does your character fear?
  • Why do they fear it?
  • Now don't tell it--show it.

    For more NaNoWriMo tips visit the Reader's Station.

    Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

    NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 5,252
  • Thursday, November 02, 2006

    NaNo Day 2 - Wedding Day

    This morning my 1700 words took on a mind of their own. My original plan was to follow the next item on my list of scenes, but my imagination settled on a wedding scene (which was not on my original list).

    The wedding in my story is not traditional. Do research on weddings in other cultures and bring one element into a wedding scene. Research is a great way to add a unique flavor to your writing.

    Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

    NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 3,427

    Wednesday, November 01, 2006

    NaNo Day 1

    Last night before bed I jotted down ideas for my NaNoWriMo novel. These were just quick one sentence ideas. I numbered them. This morning, I started with #1 and started writing. The first was a marriage between the falcon and the otter. Sounds wierd, I know. But these animals represent qualities that bear meaning within the plot.

    This morning, I wrote through the first 7 ideas and have that many for tomorrow's 1,700 words. I carry my trusty notebook with me to harvest new or evolving ideas as my mind has time to wander in the car or while waiting.

    1. Jot story ideas down.
    2. List four main characters.
    3. Now write a two-paragraph scene (or more)

    Check out more articles and classes on writing at the Inspired Author

    NaNoWriMo Current Word Count: 1,707