Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Sometimes shadows offer shade, other times they might be mysterious or scary. Many times, they may misdirect. A character may see a shadow and think they are being followed, when in fact it is something else. Shadows are dark areas or shapes produced by something between rays of light and a surface. What that shadow portends depends on the writer. Whether it is something good or bad, shadows can be used to strike strike an emotion in the reader.

Light and shadow are devices used to create mood in writing. It's a way to engage your reader emotionally as people tend to respond to light or a lack of light in a feral way. Well lit areas are deemed safe, while dimly lit areas give people the creeps. Shadows bring with it a sense of sadness, gloom, or even an ominous feel promising something to dread.

Today's writing prompt

For today's writing prompt, introduce a shadow. If you don't know where to start, have a character spot a shadow twice. They think someone might be following them. Here's what you need to include:

  • Why do they think they are being followed? (Facts)
  • What do they think is the reason someone may be following them? (Backstory)
  • What do they do about it? (Plot)
  • Add conflict (this can be internal or external)
  • Resolve the conflict.
  • Reveal the shadow.


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